Sharable Preview Links

Shareable Preview links enable the creation of a link that provides access to a draft project in SPP without the need for the user to login.

sharable link

Creating a Shareable Preview Link

This is mostly used to share a private project to a select number of people creating them is fairly easy! Here's how:

  1. Go to Dashboard.
  2. Click on 'Projects'. Use Search to find the project for which you want to create a preview link.
  3. Select the "Preview link" option for that project.
  4. A window will appear. Click on the "create link" button.
  5. A preview link for the project will be generated. You can share this link with others to allow them to preview the project without having to login.dashboard link

⚠️NOTE: Any contributions submitted via the Preview Link will appear in your reports once the project is published.

Sharing draft sub-pages or news pages?

There are some circumstances where a page is already published, and you may only need to share a new draft sub-page. Perhaps you have a news page that needs to be reviewed before being sent out? You can create shareable links for these pages too.

How to share a link for a draft sub-page or news page:

You will need both the preview user share link and the draft page URL you want to share:

  1. Create the preview share link for the project as you would normally.
  2. Then, copy the URL of the draft page. Send both links to your intended audience.
  3. The user will first need to enter the preview link URL - this authenticates them as a preview user.
  4. Then, they can access the draft news page via the draft page URL.