
Learn the Lingo

Social Pinpoint is a unique platform with a broad range of tools and features. Before you start, let's review the terminology used for different elements and actions.


Term Description
Project A project is how we describe an individual online engagement or consultation. On The Social Pinpoint, projects act as sub-sites with their own parent and project sub-pages. Projects are usually displayed in a list on the home page or 'projects' page if applicable.
Tag ‘Tag’ means to add keywords to help people search for information. In web pages, tags indicate what should be displayed on the screen when the page loads.
Field A field is the name of any element on a web page where you can enter data, such as content or a tool.
Workflow A workflow is an application that automates a process. Within Social Pinpoint, the workflow refers to the automated content approval process.
Accessibility Accessibility means people with hearing, speech, sight, or other impairments can access your site. Most governments follow the WCAG.2 guidelines, and all Social Pinpoint products are designed according to these guidelines.
Moderation Moderation is the term for ensuring that community-driven content on your site stays within reasonable limits of respect and privacy.

There are two main types of moderation:
  • Pre-moderation – where someone checks all content from a community user before it is published. This means you are extra careful to ensure nothing undesirable is published. The downside is that it tends to make community members concerned that their comments can’t be seen immediately. They see this as an act of distrust or a sign that the system is not working correctly and will often refuse to engage further.
  • Post-moderation—this takes place after a comment has been posted. An external provider on our end monitors content and quickly removes content that violates the moderation guidelines (unless you select self-moderation). This allows conversations to take place in real-time.
Favicon A favicon is a file containing one or more small icons associated with a particular website or web page.
Users ‘Users,’ sometimes replaced with ‘community members’ or ‘customers,’ is a commonly used term for people who are ‘using’ your site.
Toolbar The Toolbar appears when you are logged into the site with editing access. It is at the top of the page and contains buttons such as “Edit,” “Settings,” “Tools,” etc. This toolbar is used to add content and edit your site's appearance.
Blocks or ‘Tools’ Blocks or Tools are the names given to the elements in the Toolbox (e.g., content, forum, image).
Block area This is the name of an area that contains multiple blocks/tools.
Content area This is where content such as tools are placed into the blocks.
Header The top section of a project page is usually an image banner that displays the page's title and description.
Footer The banner at the bottom of the page.