Learn how to add and edit content on your projects.
Discover the seamless process of adding and editing content on your projects using Social Pinpoint's intuitive editing system. Our 'in-page' drag-and-drop interface simplifies the editing process, allowing you to make changes directly on the page.
To familiarise yourself with the different tools, we recommend the following:
- Visit the demo site for practical demonstrations.
- Experiment on a draft page to enhance your understanding.
- Review the Tool Comparison Chart found here.
Edit Mode
To make changes to a page, you first need to start an editing session. To do this, navigate to the page you want to make the changes to, then click the 'Edit' button at the top-left of the toolbar.
Your editing session has started, and you can add new content or make adjustments to existing content. You'll know your page is in edit mode when the edit button turns green. Additionally, a few other differences on the page, such as a green outline around existing content blocks and thin green lines in between them, will appear.
Adding Content
Once you're in an editing session, there are two ways to add new content: We recommend the first method (drag and drop) as it's the most commonly used.
Method 1: Click and Drag
- Open the tools panel, by clicking the 'Tools' button on the top-left of the toolbar.
- Browse or search for the desired tool in the tools panel.
- Click and drag the chosen tool to the page, positioning it in the content area (e.g., Sidebar) indicated by thin green lines.
- Fine-tune the tool's position until the thicker green line confirms the deployment, then release the mouse button.
- Customize content, enable/disable features, or modify appearances by configuring each tool's settings.
Method 2 - Click and Select
- Click the grey label at the bottom of the chosen content area (e.g., Main Area, Sidebar).
- Select 'Add Block' from the context menu to open the tools panel.
- Browse or search for the desired tool in the tools panel.
- Click the tool; note that drag and drop are disabled in this method.
- Adjust tool settings in the opened dialogue, and if needed, reposition the tool on the page after configuration.
Selecting Participation tools
When it comes to selecting the participation tools to collect feedback from your community, our participation tool summary and participation tool comparison posters can help you determine which tool is most appropriate.
Copy and paste Content tools
Blocks can be easily duplicated by copying them to the Clipboard. Blocks will then be available in the Clipboard area of the Tools Panel, and can be reused as many times as required.
To copy content to the Clipboard:
- Navigate to the target page with the content to be copied
- Open the dropdown menu on the target Block by left clicking on a mouse or navigating to the block and pressing ‘enter’ on the keyboard
- Select the ‘Copy to Clipboard’ function from the dropdown menu.
The maximum number of items allowed in the clipboard is 50 items. Items inserted into the clipboard more than 3 months ago will be deleted when the clipboard is opened.
Paste from Clipboard
Blocks copied to the Clipboard can be ‘pasted’ onto any page of a Site. Clipboard items will remain after being ‘pasted’ and can be reused as many times as necessary.
To paste items from the Clipboard:
- Navigate to the target page where content is to be pasted
- Open the Tools Panel by selecting the ‘Tools’ function from the Toolbar
- Open the Clipboard by selecting the dropdown on the Blocks option at the top of the Tools Panel
- Drag and drop the target Block from the Clipboard into the desired position on the page.
Copy and paste Feedback tools
Participation tools can be copied and pasted using the Clipboard in the same way as other Blocks.
When copying participation tools Users will be prompted to choose from one of two copying options:
- Create a new activity - This option will copy the content of the tool, but create a new set of results in the database. The new activity will be completely separated from the original activity.
- Mirror the activity - This option will copy the content of the tool, but will use the same set of results as the original activity. The new activity will be effectively a mirror of the original activity, with all results being associated with the original activity.